Congratulations to Springwest Academy and Logic Studio School | Tudor Park Education Trust

Congratulations to Springwest Academy and Logic Studio School

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Congratulations to all students and staff at Springwest Academy for an excellent start to the term.  A new year and a new name has ensured a very positive beginning to learning at Springwest.  Tudor Park Education Trust Campus is open for business and now hosts three schools:  Springwest Academy, our brand new Logic Studio School and our co located partner school – The Rise. 

It has been a busy start with a full cohort of Year 7 students and new starters in every year group at Springwest Academy.  Welcome to Mariella Wilson who is the Principal at Springwest Academy. 

Logic opened its doors to 100 students in both Year 10 and Year 12.  Welcome to Jay Lockwood who is the Principal at Logic.  The new Logic building is currently under construction on our Tudor Park Education Trust Campus.  It should be ready for opening in February 2017, at which point the students and staff will move from their temporary home to a new building furnished specifically for their ICT and Business specialism.

Extensive roofing works to Springwest Academy have been carried out over the Summer holidays and are near completion.  There has also been some redecoration work to classrooms, corridors and external areas.  We are constantly looking at how we can further invest in site improvements.  Tudor Park Education Trust headquarters are now to be found in what was originally the CLC building.  Please visit the website to find out more about Tudor Park Education Trust which is a new Multi Academy Trust set up in 2016.

Victoria Eadie (CEO of Tudor Park Education Trust)